Friday, November 13, 2009

Poor Baby

Oh! The neglect!

The neglect for this Blog!

The neglect for the Caddy!

We have had so much rain over the last few months. I've kept the Caddy covered and haven't driven much and haven't done much to it. When I have tried to fix stuff, then other stuff breaks so I am just barely treading water maintenance-wise.

For example, as I wrote previously, I had the brakes done. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks ago I noticed a bunch of smoke coming from the right-side front wheel. It looks like the brake has seized there - the pads are rubbing against the rotor.

Before that, I took the car for a vacuum and wash. After vacuuming, I try to put up the top for the wash. CRACK! Looks like one of the top bows has slipped out of its socket so I've really got to do the top adjustment I've been putting off (and putting off... and putting off...).

Woke up yesterday and noticed that the one of the wheels is flat... sigh.

Anyway, I am going to look through the shop manual this afternoon and see how hard it is to fix that front brake. And when I get around to doing that, I think I might as well replace the front axles. They don't really need to be replaced, but the replacement CV boots suck and I have to pretty much constantly check them and squirt grease in there.

That won't happen this weekend though - too much other stuff going on. And it won't happen over Thanksgiving either. The family will be out of town so it will be a good time to do some house maintenance - painting, redoing trim, throwing stuff out, etc.