Sunday, February 21, 2010

Brake Caliper

Finally got some decent weather this weekend, so I got working on replacing the seized brake caliper. What took a bunch of time was putting yet another boot on the CV joint. I've really got to get around to putting in new axles...

Anyway, I got a late start and quit early because I was getting hungry and tired. So, though the caliper is in place, I've still got to bleed the brakes. I'll do that next weekend, as well as patch the flat tire.

Replacing the caliper hasn't been hard - we'll see what happens when I actually get to driving (and more importantly, stopping).

The above photo is Kyra directing me from the service manual.

The photo below is an original Mini, fortuitously parked next to a new mini, I saw while I was running errands yesterday. Not an Eldorado, but a pretty nice car. It was in great shape and a whole lot of people were looking at it.

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